Buy the Ticket, Take the Ride
“Buy the Ticket, Take the Ride” Hunter S. Thompson
Dear Friend,
There is always that moment before I embark on a life adventure where I have indeed “bought the ticket” but am standing at the head of the line holding onto it with a death grip contemplating my escape. Back in high school, I was an exchange student to Germany with Youth For Understanding. I had studied German in school and was excited to immerse myself in the language and culture. I filled out paperwork, interviewed with YFU staff, went to YFU camp to learn about living in another culture, daydreamed about my trip, etc. But, on the night before my departure I was gripped with fear and doubt… I had done this to myself! This was my bright idea to step out of my comfort zone… to arrive in a foreign country and live with people I had never met… attend a school taught in another language… WHAT HAD I BEEN THINKING? I think I cried all the way to the airport in the back of my parent’s station wagon trying to figure out how to escape this situation of my own making. But, I had bought that ticket and I took the ride (an incredible one at that) and I can’t tell you the number of times in my life I have looked back on that experience and forged ahead with new ones because I knew what I would miss out on if I didn’t “take the ride.”
So, I write to you the night before our departure with a small knot in my stomach… excitement mixed with a bit of nerves. But, I know this will be a great adventure and I can’t wait for it to begin!
Karen June
Have a wonderful trip! I'm so excited to be able to read about your adventures this summer. I'm very jealous and I hope you have an amazing time!
Oh what fun! Safe travels to you, kolya and Jason. I look forward to see photos of you on the beach with the amazing blue water, stories of food, cutlure, friendships and seeing it all through Kolya's eyes. You'll have to teach me how to create a blog when you are home.